Guest Passes

Guests of residents may enjoy Quail Creek’s amenities, such as the pools, the Anza Athletic Club, and sports courts. All guests are required to register, which is completed at the Member Services desk, located in the lobby of the Madera Clubhouse. Guest cards are issued to guests over 18 and can be issued for 30 days maximum per calendar year. To register guests, please fill out the Guest Registration form. Your guest will need to have the signed Guest Registration form, and in addition, they will need to sign a liability waiver and have their picture taken at Member Services. The desk is open for business Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 3 PM.

If your guests arrive during the hours that Member Services is closed, there is no need to worry! Just send a signed Guest Registration form with your guests over to the Anza Athletic Club and they will receive a temporary guest pass. Your guests will then need to go to the Member Services desk on the next business day to complete the registration process.

The following guidelines are from the Quail Creek CC POA Rules. Please read carefully and understand that once a Guest Pass is issued, these guidelines must be strictly complied with.

  • Complimentary Guest Pass cards must be applied for by a Resident, Associate Member, or Renter.

  • Members, Renters, and Associate Members are responsible for making their guests aware of the club policies, rules, and dress codes.

  • Guest Pass cards are issued for a maximum of fifteen (15) days and can be renewed for an additional fifteen (15) days during any twelve (12) month period.

  • Extended Guest Pass cards must be applied for by a Resident, Renter, or Associate Member:

  • A Guest must have a valid Guest Pass card in his/her possession while using the facilities or be accompanied by the Homeowner, Association Member or Renter with whom they are staying.

  • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult Homeowner, Associate Member or Renter, or adult Guest with a valid Guest Pass card at all times when using the facilities.