Anza Athletic Club
The fitness and sports facilities at Anza Athletic Club provide Quail Creek residents and guests with a multitude of choices, from aquatic and aerobic to tennis and yoga activities.
Club Information:
1490 N. Quail Range Loop, BLDG #4
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Check-in Desk, Reservations: 520-393-5819
Lisa DeFalco
Director of Fitness
Anza WiFi password - anzaclub
Fitness Gym Hours:
Daily: 5 AM to 9:00 PM, no reservations required.
Recreation Pool Hours:
Daily: 5 AM - 9:00 PM, no reservations required, guests over 18 years of age allowed at any time. See Member Services for information about guest passes. No key access, check-in at desk, beginning at 5 AM.
Daily Children Hours: 11 AM to 1 PM and 4 PM to 6 PM daily. Children are defined as under the age of 18 years of age. Please remember that toddlers must be toilet trained. Swim diapers are not allowed in the pool.
Lap Pool Hours:
Daily: 5 AM - 9:00 PM, Reservations on the hour with the last reservation available at 6 PM, Lap Pool Reservations. After 7 PM, spots are first-come, first-served.
No key access, check-in at desk beginning at 5 AM.
Anza Athletic Club and Sports Facilities Waiver - Available at Member Services, located in the lobby of the Madera Clubhouse.
Swimming and Lap Pools
Lap Pool Reservations
The Anza Athletic Club is mobility accessible.
A fully automated portable lift is available to access either of the pools or the whirlpool.
Take a 3d Virtual Tour of the Anza Athletic Club
New Canyon Club Amenity! Please note that plans are preliminary for usage. Billiards, for example, will remain at the Madera Clubhouse.
Equipment Orientation:
Available with an appointment - Call or stop at the Reception Desk