Needleworks Club

Quail Creek Needleworks Club was originally chartered in 2003 by the Quail Creek Country Club Property Owners Association as a not-for-profit organization to promote the art and enjoyment of all types of needlework.
We currently have over 50 members, whose interests include knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, needlepoint, Swedish weaving and sewing—virtually anything you can do with a needle.
We meet every Tuesday morning from 9 am to Noon and every Friday afternoon from 1 to 4 pm (except Christmas Day) in Studio 104 of the Quail Creek Creative Arts and Technology Center. Brief Business Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from September to May.
Annual dues for both full and part-time residents of Quail Creek remain at $15. Visitors are always welcome during our regular Club hours and may attend for up to a month as a guest of the Club without paying annual dues.
Members work on personal projects as well as items to be donated to various local charities such as The Salvation Army, St. Andrews Children’s Clinic, Valley Assistance Services, Aviva Children’s Services and others. We also produce many items for sale during the year and all Club sales proceeds are used to purchase materials for the items we donate to charity.
Ellen Myers
612 840-5792